PitaPata Cat tickers

PitaPata Cat tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Captain Rio Blackbeard!

I discovered recently, but too late, that there had been a Pirate Cat day. Ok then, this is my real me!


My Mind's Eye said...

Way to Go Rio!!
You are one handsome Pirate cat!!
Our theory is it is never to late to join in the fun,
Hugs Madi

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hey, at least you joined in! Our mom didn't bother to post at all!

We love LUNA said...

Dear Rio,
You are an amazing PIRATE!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

You took a very very slow boat but at least you're here. purrr...meow!

Annie Bear said...

That's OK. You're just fashionably late. You make a very fierce pirate but very cute!

Cat Mandu said...

Looking great!
(I always sleep through everything, too.)

Unknown said...

Tee hee Rio... better late than never.

If you took the hat off I think you'd make a good 5th member of the Beatles too!! =^..^=

Gotchi - The Cat said...

Ahoy Captain.


Purrs from Gotchi

Admiral Hestorb said...

I love your mustache!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You are a very pawsome pirate Rio !

My mom was on a vaccation in Barcelona in november 2010.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

How adorable! Mommy says better late than never! We luf it!

BeadedTail said...

You are a very dapper looking pirate!

Oui Oui said...

Love the 'tache! But Please! Run from the bombs!!!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Ooh, very piratey indeed!

Anya said...

Hahahaha..... Rio
you are looking soooooo COOL
we love that mustache :))))))

Ellen Whyte said...

MOL, if we hand over our roast chicken, you won't set off those bombs, right?

Marilia said...

Rio, you´re a delicious captain!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Man, you are a cute pirate!!!
I wish I was that smart!!!
Thanks for your visit!!
xx, Tinker & Fern

Ingrid said...

Geez ! what have they done to you ? You really look dangerous I am scared, lol !

Daisy said...

It's never too late to be a pirate cat!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You make a very good pirate Rio. Thank you for visiting us.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You makes a handsome pirate cat! My mom was too lazy to help me into my pirate getup! Thanks for stopping by.

Fluffy and Heather said...

Hi there Rio! Nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my blog! :) You make an awesome pirate...who ever said that we had to dress up as a pirate only on a certain day, anyway?! :)

animal lover, quilt lover said...

When I said I wished I was that smart on the first comment, I am just saying I don't know how to do Photo Shop!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have only been on a computer a couple of years with no help from anyone!!! I love the computer the tho!!!
xx, Tinker & Fern

Linens and Royals said...

A Pirate day for cats!! Charlotte and Emily are already dissapointed because they missed cat cardboard box day, now they blame me for missing pirate day....

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, we love this. Be sure to participate in next year's Meow or woof like a pirate day.