PitaPata Cat tickers

PitaPata Cat tickers

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

That's me in my hunting mode ..... shhhhh, don't make a sound, slowly now, eye on the prey .... I'm trying to catch me a dragon for my dinner .......


Princess Jasmine said...

Ooooh dragons!!! You are sooooo brave sneaking up on him. Mummy hopes its Puff the Magic Dragon, then you can invite him to share your dinner :)xx

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We think you just might catch one! Excellent form, Rio! xoxo

GreatGranny said...

We'll be furry quite. ssshhh
xoxo Kassey

Oui Oui said...

We are sure you caught a big, tasty one! Such poise! What grace!

Annie Bear said...

Look at that stealthy, huntress pose! I have no doubt you'll catch that dragon!

Whisppy said...

Woo hoo! The dragon has no chance against the mighty tiger!

We love LUNA said...

You go boy! I know you can get it! :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

OMC !!!
Are you going to catch a dragon ??!!
My little mouse catch is all of a sudden nothing to mention :(

meowmeowmans said...

You are obviously a skilled hunter! Good luck catching that dragon!

Kwee Cats said...

You gots excellent hunting form! We bet dragon hunting is lots of fun. We be quiet and tiptoe watch.

Gigi said...

You look very dangerous, there, Rio! I wouldn't want to be that dragon!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Did you enjoy your dragon lunch did he come with a sauce and side salad?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Ingrid said...

Sending you purrs from Egypt !
I hope that you catched at least one mousie !

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Rio...what a great hunter you are. Your dragon hunting stance is quite impressive.
Hugs Madi

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Rio, nice to meet you!!!!!!!!
We love your hunting mode :)
Hope your "hunt" was successful!! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Emmylou said...

Yummm dragon! Are they tough or tender?

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Rio, I think you have long lost brother in New York. Our Odin looks a lot like you and loves to hunt dragons.

Anonymous said...

...and now there is one dragon less in the world =^.^=

Smudge said...

So, umm, did you ever catch that dragon??

Old Kitty said...

Hello Gorgeous! Me and Charlie will be very very quiet!! Hope you catch your yummy dragon prey! Take care

Marilia said...

Wow! A little tiger... lovely!
Marilia and Bavarescats

m.q said...

did you manage to catch the dragon????

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family