PitaPata Cat tickers

PitaPata Cat tickers

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The cat people

These are my old friends from the Jardinet dels Gats, the cat garden. That's where my humans adopted me. My friends have a stall at the yearly Earth Fair, la fira por la tierra. Mandy bought some earrings from them, cat earrings of course!


We love LUNA said...

Cat people are always beautiful and full of lovely energy!
purrs and love

Giulia said...

Oh là là, nous on est déjà quatre et, vu la taille de la maison où on vit, c'est le maximum... Bravo à toutes ces personnes qui ont du coeur. Tu as eu bien de la chance, Rio. On te fait plein de léchouilles. A bientôt!